Thursday, 9 February 2012

Statutory Compliance under labour law

Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
ü  Preparation of monthly PF remittance statement.
ü  Preparation of PF challan in Quadruplicate in A\c No 1, 10, 2, 21, 22.
ü  Preparation of Form No.12A
ü  Preparation of Form No.5&10
ü  Obtaining Form No.2 from new entrants joined during the month.
ü  Allotment of PF number to new employees on monthly basis.
ü  Submission of monthly returns in Form No.12A,Form No.5 &10 and Form.No.2
ü  Along with the triplicate copy of the challan to PF Department before 25th of the month.
ü  Maintaining Form No.11
ü  Processing of settlement claim Forms in 19 & 10C and submission to PF department.
ü  Processing of Form 13 and submission to PF department.
ü  Processing of Form 4A-VPF and submission to PF department.
ü  Processing of Form 20,10D & Form 5(IF) in respect of death claim.
ü  Submission of Form No.3A & 6A – Annual return before 30th April of every year.
ü  Maintenance of Inspection Book.
ü  Processing of Form No.31.(PF Loan Forms)
ü  Attending to PF related matters/inquiry at PF office.
ü  Obtaining Form No.23 (Annual Account Slip) from the PF department.
ü  Maintenance of a database of all employees giving the details of their names, PF number,
ü  transfer/ withdrawal etc for future reference and also to follow up with RPFC for transfer /withdrawal till process is complete.
ü  To check the correctness of withdrawal / transfer before submitting to the RPFC.

ü The Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948
ü  Preparation of monthly ESI remittance statement.
ü  Preparation of ESI challan in Quadruplicate.
ü  Maintenance of Form No.7 Register.
ü  Obtaining Form No. 1 from new entrants and submission along with Form No.3 to the ESI
ü  local office within 10 days from the date of appointment.
ü  Collecting ESI TIC /Permanent Cards from ESI Local Office.
ü  Submission of Accident report in Form No.16 to ESI Dispensaries/ESI Local Office.
ü  Maintenance of Accident Register.
ü  Maintenance of Inspection Book.
ü  Attending to ESI related matters/hearing at ESI Local Office /Regional Director’s office.
ü  Submission of Form No.5 half yearly returns, before 12th May & 11th November of each year.
ü  Processing Form No.53 for change of employment, dispensary, adderss etc.
ü  Processing Form No.72 for obtaining duplicate ESI card.
ü  Processing Form No. 1A/1B for addition /deletion of members of family.
ü  Processing Form No. 105 availing ESI facilities at outstation
ü  Processing Form No.86 to avail ESI facilities before getting the ESI TIC/Permanent card.
ü  Processing Form No.37 to confirm the Re-employment / continuing employment.

ü  The Karnataka Tax on Profession, Trades, Calling and Employment’s Act, 1976.
ü  Preparation of PT remittance statement.
ü  Preparation of Form No.5-A.
ü  Submission of monthly returns in Form 5-A to professional Tax office before 15th of every month.
ü  Submission of Annual Returns in Form No.5 before 30th April.

ü  The Karnataka Shops & Commercial Establishment Act, 1961
ü  Renewal of License once in 5 years.
ü  Display of Name Board in local language (KANNADA)
ü  Display of working hours and rest interval.
ü  Maintenance of Leave Register.

ü  The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
ü  Maintenance of Salary Register in Form V.
ü  Maintenance of muster-Roll in Form VII
ü  Maintenance of Advance Register
ü  Maintenance of Deduction Register.
ü  Maintenance of OT Register.
ü  Maintenance of Register of Fines.
ü  Maintenance of Wage Slips.
ü  Display of X Abstract.
ü  Display of Minimum Wages.

ü  The Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
ü  Maintenance of Salary Register
ü  Maintenance of Attendance Register.
ü  Maintenance of Advance Register
ü  Maintenance of Deduction Register.
ü  Maintenance of OT Register.
ü  Maintenance of Fine Register.
ü  Maintenance of Wage Slips.
ü  Display of payment date.

ü  The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
ü  Preparation & Maintenance of Form A, Form B, Form C Register.
ü  Submission of Annual Return in Form No.D before 30th November.

ü  The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
ü  Maintenance of Form No F – Nomination.
ü  Processing Gratuity Application Form.
ü  Display of Abstract on Notice Board.

ü  The Employment Exchange (compulsory Notification of vacancies) Act, 1959.
ü  Notification of vacancies to be submitted to the Employment Exchange.
ü  Quarterly return in ER-1 to be submitted on or before 30th April, 30th July, 30th Oct,and 30th Jan to the Employment Exchange.
ü  The Biennial returns in ER-2 to be submitted to Employment exchange before 30th of
ü  September in the alternate year ( this is applicable only in the case the department sends ER-2 ).

ü  The Industrial Establishment (National & Festival Holidays) Act, 1965
ü   Selecting a list of minimum 10 holidays for ensuring year in consultation with Employees and display of the same on the notice board within 31st December of every year. Minimum 10 days of Holiday should include Republic day, Independence Day, Gandhi jayanti, May Day, and Kannada Rajyotsava Day. Submission of Annual Return in Form No.5 before 31st of January to Labour Officer.
ü  The Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act
ü  Recovery of Rs.3/- to be made from the employee on rolls of the company as on 31st December every year.
ü  Employer contribution at the rate Rs.6/- per employee along with employees contribution of Rs.3/- to be remitted to “Welfare Commissioner, Karnataka Labour Welfare Board” before 15th of January.

ü  The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
ü  Maintenance of Form D Register.

ü  The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1971
ü  Obtaining license from Assistant Commissioner of Labour.
ü  Submission of Annual Return in Form XXV before 15th of February.
ü  Maintenance of Contractor Register in Form XIII
ü  Follow up with contractors to maintain record /register as per the Act.