1) Registers of investments in
securities not held in the name of the Company - Permanent
2) Register of buy-back of
securities - 8 years from the date of completion of buyback
3) Register of charges - Permanent
4) Register and index of members - Permanent
5) Register and index of
debenture holders - 15 years from the
date of redemption of debentures .
6) Foreign Register of members or
debenture holder - To be maintained
until discontinued.
7) Register of renewed and
duplicate certificates – Permanent
8) Register of
contracts in which directors are interested - Permanent
9) Register of directors,
managing director, manager and secretary –
10) Register of directors’ share
holding - Permanent
11) Register of inter corporate
loans and investments - Permanent
12) Register of deposits - 8 years from the date of last entry
13) Register of allotment - 8 years from the date of each allotment
14) Register of payment of
dividend - 8 years from the date of payment
15) Register of Director’s
attendance - 8 years
16) Register of postal ballot - Until
the resolution has been implemented or for a period of 10 years whichever is
17) Register of proxies -
8 years from the date of meeting.
18) Register of inspection - 8
19) Register of investment (other
than securities not held in the name of the company) - – Permanent
20 ) Register of documents
executed under common seal - Permanent
21) Register of records and
documents destroyed – Permanent.
22 )Register of investor’s
complaints - 8 years from the date of last entry.
23) Register of transfer of
shares - Permanent.
24 )Register of transmission of
shares – Permanent.
25) Register of transfer of debentures – Permanent.
26 ) Register of transmission of
debentures – Permanent.
27) Register of employee stock options - 15
years from the date of exercise of options .
28 ) Register of sweat equity
shares - 8 years from the financial year in which
the latest entry is made .
29) Register in respect of SEBI (substantial
acquisition of shares and takeovers) Regulations, 1997 - Permanent
30 ) Register of SEBI
(Prohibition of insider trading) Regulations, 1992 - 5
31) Books of Accounts - 8
accounting years immediately proceeding the current accounting year
32 Annual Return - Last
8 annual returns
Below mentioned records should be
preserved in good order for as long as
they remain current, or for a minimum of 8 years and may be Auditors destroyed
hereafter under the authority of the Registrar of Companies Board .
A. Agreement
under section 136
B. Disclosures
received by the company under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations 1997
C. General
Meeting Records
D. Record of
Directors particulars
E. Notice of
disclosure of interest by the Directors, officers and substantial shareholders
under Model Code of Conduct,
F. Various
G. Certificate
received from Secretarial Auditors destroyed hereafter under the authority of
H. Documents to
be filed with Registrar of Companies Board
I. Copy of
Memorandum & Articles of Association
J. Certificate
issued by Registrar of Companies
K. Any court
order/CLB order
L. Annual
M. Replies to
show cause notices, if any etc.
N. Record of
employee Stock Purchase Scheme (ESPS)
O. Record of
issued and cancelled share/debenture certificates
years period of preservation has been prescribed in
of the following:
(a) Register of debenture-holders
after the redemption and
(b) Index of debenture-holders
The Registrar of Companies may
prescribe the period for preservation of records beyond the above period and in
such circumstances the companies
should preserve the same as per the direction of the Registrar of Companies .
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